Trigger Point Therapy

If you have ever massaged a person or been massaged yourself then you have probably came across trigger points. They are commonly known as muscle knots; the often painful spots where muscles seem to be clumped together in a tight little ball.

For an expert trigger point therapist there is much more to consider than these painful little points in the muscles. The body is a connected system and it is often the case that a trigger point is just one end of the problem. Most trigger points refer to pain somewhere else along the nerve pathways so it takes skilled hands to get to the root of the problem. And if one muscle is being problematic then it is almost certain to have an effect on the surrounding muscles.

If you find yourself having acute muscular pain then trigger point therapy may be the therapy for you. During the session Dr. Eckert will also question your daily habits to see if the knotted muscle is a result of your routine. If it is the case then we will give you tips on how to avoid straining the muscle again so that the problem does not come back.

Positional Release

Positional release therapy is, in some ways, like trigger point therapy as it focuses on painful muscle areas. The similarities end there however. Positional release therapy is a relatively new technique which is not necessarily seen as a form of massage. What Dr. Eckert does is find the tender point on the body and apply a slight amount of pressure to it. While applying pressure, Dr. Eckert uses her in-depth knowledge of muscle and skeletal structures to passively move other parts of the body to give, what is essential, a very technical sort of stretch. The muscle relaxes and releases the pressure it is holding as all the other muscles surrounding it compensate for the tension. If done well this technique often releases up to 75% of the discomfort in the area right away (though this can depend on the severity of the tender point).